What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?

Every woman’s body is unique, and so is her abortion experience. How your body responds to an abortion depends on different factors. How far along are you in your pregnancy? Are you planning to review your health history and medications...Continued

Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Before choosing abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, you must protect your health and safety by talking with a healthcare provider. You should understand the abortion pill method, side effects, and possible risks. There are limitations as to when you can...Continued

What is a Medical Abortion?

There are two main types of abortion, medical and surgical. A medical abortion uses drugs to terminate a pregnancy. You may have heard about medical abortions by other names, such as the abortion pill, RU 486, and chemical or medication...Continued

How Long Does a Surgical Abortion Last?

Having an abortion is a major physical and emotional decision. Understandably, you would have questions and concerns. The abortion provider determines the type of surgical abortion procedure you have based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. The...Continued

Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

The simple answer is “no,” you don’t have to tell your partner you want an abortion. But nothing about an unplanned pregnancy is simple. It’s a life-altering event. Before making a decision, talk with us about your situation. We’re here...Continued

How Should I Respond to My Girlfriend’s Pregnancy?

“I’m pregnant,” she said. Your heart fell to your stomach as your emotions took an involuntary rollercoaster ride. Perhaps you felt angry and yelled, gave your girlfriend the silent treatment, or muttered a quick, half-hearted, “You take care of it”...Continued

How Can I Tell if My Girlfriend is Pregnant?

If you have recently had unprotected sex with your girlfriend, there is a chance she could be pregnant. The unknown can be hard to swallow, and the “what if’s” might make you nervous.  But take a deep breath. Thousands of...Continued

Can STDs Go Away on Their Own?

If you have an STD, you may be wondering what comes next. Will it go away? Is there treatment? The answer depends on what kind of STD you have.  What Can You Do About Bacterial STDs? STDs that are caused...Continued

Can I Pass My STD to My Child?

If you are pregnant and have a sexually transmitted disease, there is a chance you could pass your STD to your child before or during the baby’s birth. According to the National Library of Medicine: Some STIs, such as syphilis,...Continued

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Three minutes of heart-pounding, loud silence might as well have been three hours. Anja had taken a pregnancy test and was now waiting with anticipation and dread to see if it was a single or double line. She sat on...Continued