Though the woman has to experience the physical implications of pregnancy, the presence and cooperation of the man is vitally important and crucial in determining the next steps in the decision-making process. In the event of an unplanned pregnancy, men often have many questions, including:
Asking yourself any or all of these questions is completely normal. In short, your opinion is important and your thoughts matter. Many women look to their partner as a source of trust in difficult situations, such as an unplanned pregnancy. You can make a difference, whether you realize it or not.
As a man, an unplanned pregnancy can cause confusion or put you in an uncomfortable position while you try to figure out your role. Frequently, men believe that their opinions are unwanted or not important; but many women desire to know what their partners want. You play an important role in the process of deciding what to do with an unplanned pregnancy.
Communicating with your partner is key throughout this process. It is important that you are both clear about each other’s thoughts and feelings about the pregnancy. Although legally it is the woman’s choice whether or not to have an abortion, your thoughts do matter. It is important that you both feel supported, heard and understood. You and your partner may find it helpful to talk with one of our counselors to discuss all of your options. It is important for guys to have all the necessary information to make the right decision for all involved.
We offer options counseling services for guys, too. If you are interested in our services, please call: